Coke and Menthos

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Relaxing my mind

Well I found a great way to relax my mind after a long day of work. Basically I enjoy walking up a hill with my skateboard just to go right down it at high speeds.
Coming up is always nice and relaxing, theres not much to think about, its great! But going down is even better. First of all its a little reward after that long uphill, but after its just exhilarating. Its intense because i feel the board wobbling under me every now and then, i have to watch the cracks in the road, have to watch for people and cars and i have to watch out for myself!
The problem is my only way of stopping is basically jumping off infront of the board and catching it when it rolls back down.
Simply going down a steep part to head onto a turn is exhilarating, and at a moment I get alot of speed before going on a long flat section which is pretty scary but also so rewarding and it just gets all the energy out of me.
Now i really want to buy a longboard, I have no clue what kind of board to buy so help is always appreciated

Well heres the daily comic before i go:

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