Coke and Menthos

Sunday, May 4, 2008

New board!!

Here it is! A beautiful Al Merrick Flyer. This board is 6 inches shorter than my first board (this one is 6 feet).
I also wanted to explain why I bought a new board, and why I just don't keep on surfing on the other one.
Contrary to what you might think, this board is not a replacement for my old one, it is just a board that I can take out on small days, while my other board can be used for days with bigger waves.
This boards shape and width make it a board that will glide nicely on small waves and yet will deliver the performance I want.
This board is also great because it can handle bigger surf, it is made to go up to 5-6 feet waves (1 and a half overhead), so I should be fine in any surf I go into with this board.
I surfed it today and well, its a big change, I first got on and felt that the board sunk REALLY easily, I was used to being able to push up from my board and meet resistance, but here it basically sinks in.
This is good because I can duckdive (go under) waves very easily! The board did not feel much more unstable but quite responsive, I had no trouble controlling it or getting up.
Another thing I like about this board is how easy it is to catch waves on it. Paddling seemed much more efficient and useful.

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