Well yesterday was filled with drama, pain and happiness.
Time for a little recap:
First thing in the morning I go to my friends house for us to film for our biking movie. At his house i get some much needed parts for my bike for free (two new tires, one new wheel, and a brake lever). We then go ride at the local skate park and a grandpa was taking pictures of us and the kids were amazed by some of my friends.
We then head out to some dirt jumps, my friend falls and rips a chunk out of his chin. I then bike home (one hour ride in hills) and relax for a bit.
I then leave for a party, pick up my friend and my girlfriend and just when we were going to take the exit onto the freeway, a guy on a bike falls right in front of us, breaking his arm.
We then park the car to make traffic avoid him, call 911 and make him confortable. About 4 minutes later, a Marine comes with medical equipment and starts to take care of the man. A couple minutes later, ambulances come. We leave our spot to the ambulance and head out to the party.
Next comes drama!
Well, my friend (if you remember this post: http://cokeandmenthos.blogspot.com/2008/03/dazed-and-confused.html, its about the same two guys)
loved this girl, and now he says he is over her but he still has feelings for her. The girl likes my other friend, and well, they ended up going out.
This was problematic because one friend was somewhat "stealing" (even though not really) my other friends girlfriend. We told the guy who didnt know and he seemed to be ok with it.
The party kept on going, my girlfriend had some troubles as well as my friend which made me feel really bad. I just felt as if my life was too good and as if i did not have enough problems... I try to make up for that by helping people with their problems, a lot of people call me their psychologist :P.
Well the rest of the party was fun and i came home this morning just to do homework! Yay???
I wont forget the daily comic, no worries:
Labels: blood, broken arm, drama, events, friends, happy, pain