Coke and Menthos

Monday, March 31, 2008

A little stupid story

I just went skateboarding down some hills today and while walking up the hill a cop passes by (small road). I then feel my heart starting to beat because these cops really have nothing else to do than arrest or piss off a kid with no helmet. Luckily the cop passes me. I then shortly get up to the top of the hill and start going down. A little ways down I spot the cop stopped on my street.
I immediately jumped off my board, grabbed it, walked til I was out of sight and then ran up the hill. I turned on an intersection but I doubt he was following me. Well I was stressed for a bit during the rest of my time outside.
It was still a fun ride down the hill, I enjoyed it to the fullest!

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Friday, March 28, 2008

the deed is done

Well, I dumped my girlfriend today. I am honestly pretty relieved and happy to be single again :).
Other than that its raining outside so I couldn't speed down hills anymore...
I am also in desperate need of surfing but I don't think il be surfing anytime soon... The forecast is bad.
Im sorry I don't have much more to say but my mind is pretty uninteresting right now, il post more later if I get some more inspiration.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Relaxing my mind

Well I found a great way to relax my mind after a long day of work. Basically I enjoy walking up a hill with my skateboard just to go right down it at high speeds.
Coming up is always nice and relaxing, theres not much to think about, its great! But going down is even better. First of all its a little reward after that long uphill, but after its just exhilarating. Its intense because i feel the board wobbling under me every now and then, i have to watch the cracks in the road, have to watch for people and cars and i have to watch out for myself!
The problem is my only way of stopping is basically jumping off infront of the board and catching it when it rolls back down.
Simply going down a steep part to head onto a turn is exhilarating, and at a moment I get alot of speed before going on a long flat section which is pretty scary but also so rewarding and it just gets all the energy out of me.
Now i really want to buy a longboard, I have no clue what kind of board to buy so help is always appreciated

Well heres the daily comic before i go:

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

good things have happened

Well, I am quite happy of my day (except for the 3 hours of French that is). I found it to be completely unproductive work wise, but relationship wise, it cheered me up. As weird as this may sound, but I am quite happy that I managed to make my girlfriend happy (shouldn't I be doing that everyday?).

It was just joking around on the way and in sports class, but I think it meant a lot and also, helped me see that she still loves me. I also found a solution to my problem of me and my girlfriend arguing to much. I thought it would be best to simply stay with friends during class and be together more at lunch or after school. I hope it will bring me back closer to friends and make me appreciate my girlfriend more and be with her in majority during good times instead of bad.

This might sound random but it sprung to my mind. I just love how curious my girlfriend is about what I'm doing and what I'm thinking (the latter is not always true, but still!). Not only does it let me ramble on about what I find interesting but it also shows that she is interested in me (yay!).

Well, with the good comes the bad (or the good?):
I've noticed that I have very little to no problems compared to a lot of people around me... The weird thing is I don't feel fortunate, but i feel somewhat different and trivial, as if nothing really important happened in my life. Its a really weird feeling because I am happy I don't have problems but at the same time it makes me feel trivial and simply bad. Ive noticed that I already wrote about this but its stuck on my mind.

Well my mind is now blank and ready to move on to something else, thanks for reading!
Well my mind moved onto the daily comic:

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Mood changes and relaxation

Well I've noticed that I went thrue many many moods today.
I started out normal, pretty emotionless, still sleeping. Then I was pissed followed by feeling somewhat sluggish. That feeling then when on during 3 hours of class that were the most unproductive and boring of my life. I then came home and felt sad, and my driving was stressed out, something was probably on my nerves. Now I had a happy moment and now I'm slowly plunging into sleepy mode because its almost relaxation time!
Well that was my day mood wise, pretty crazy when I think of it.

The fact that its almost my relaxation time made me think of the usefulness of relaxing and how essential it is for me and probably many others. What I do is after I finish all my work for the day, I go on my bed (because its usually late) and get anywhere between one and two hours of relaxation time. I find that it keeps me happy and that it makes me fall asleep faster and makes me sleep better. Well I'l leave you with a comic just to go relax some more. Have a nice happy relaxation sesh!

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

More stop motion animation!

Well I'm digging this stop motion animation so I decided to make a second video which I find much better than the old one, and it has music and sound effects!
Comments appreciated:

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What an eventfull day!

Well yesterday was filled with drama, pain and happiness.
Time for a little recap:

First thing in the morning I go to my friends house for us to film for our biking movie. At his house i get some much needed parts for my bike for free (two new tires, one new wheel, and a brake lever). We then go ride at the local skate park and a grandpa was taking pictures of us and the kids were amazed by some of my friends.

We then head out to some dirt jumps, my friend falls and rips a chunk out of his chin. I then bike home (one hour ride in hills) and relax for a bit.

I then leave for a party, pick up my friend and my girlfriend and just when we were going to take the exit onto the freeway, a guy on a bike falls right in front of us, breaking his arm.
We then park the car to make traffic avoid him, call 911 and make him confortable. About 4 minutes later, a Marine comes with medical equipment and starts to take care of the man. A couple minutes later, ambulances come. We leave our spot to the ambulance and head out to the party.

Next comes drama!
Well, my friend (if you remember this post:, its about the same two guys)
loved this girl, and now he says he is over her but he still has feelings for her. The girl likes my other friend, and well, they ended up going out.
This was problematic because one friend was somewhat "stealing" (even though not really) my other friends girlfriend. We told the guy who didnt know and he seemed to be ok with it.
The party kept on going, my girlfriend had some troubles as well as my friend which made me feel really bad. I just felt as if my life was too good and as if i did not have enough problems... I try to make up for that by helping people with their problems, a lot of people call me their psychologist :P.
Well the rest of the party was fun and i came home this morning just to do homework! Yay???

I wont forget the daily comic, no worries:

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Stop motion animation

Well after being on youtube for a bit, I wanted to make a stop motion (frame by frame, animation) movie. I honestly had no ideas so i looked for old toys an put a little something together.
Sorry for the lack of sound, I put sound on it with final cut but its stalling while I export it.
Well here it is:

I would love to hear comments! Also for information i used istopmotion and the camera was my integrated webcam (macbook) as my digital camera would not cooperate with it.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008


well i got 720 on my SAT for math, placing me in the 96th percentile!! I am honestly quite happy and impressed with myself.
Me and my group also passed for our TPE (huge project we present) and did quite well (the people ask questions after), but we don't get grades til june 30th...
Other then that after passing, we got 4 free hours which was relaxing as I don't recall having had that much free time in quite a while.
I have also been thinking about my futur, wondering what kind of job I will be doing. I used to think research in chemistry, but now im leaning towards biology. Any advice on both professions is greatly appreciated!!!
Well comic of the day here i come:

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

so much going on tommorow

well, tommorow is about to be a busy and important day for me.
First of all, my SAT scores come in, i got 1900 on practice tests but on this one i did not like the essay and was sleepy as i went to a party the night before...
Second of all, we are presenting our TPE's tommorow. This is for the french bac and is very important. Its basically a presentation that i and 2 friends have been preparing since september, yet I am still not stressed, must be my music session.
Time for some more relief with a comic!!

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Will browser based chat take over?

I was wondering if we would see the disappearance of chat clients that are not browser based. This idea came to mind when i saw that facebook was releasing a chat platform (video here):
Facebook is now the most used social network and growing steadily. Facebook has one big advantage over some platforms:
There is nothing to install
accessible from everywhere
All your friends are already on.

You may point me to a service like meebo , but in reality many people do not know about this service. In my group of friends on facebook (over 100), not one or maybe one other than me knows about this type of service.

This is going to be a big influence on many chat users, but programs such as adium, trillian, msn and aim will probably still be used because:
The possibility to integrate ones facebook account into a multi chat client will arise.
A program based client has more flexibility and customization
Chat programs have games, emotions, winks, nudging, growl notifications (mac exclusive).
Many people from other countries do not have a facebook.

I am guessing that facebook chat will be used by many users and it will eventually evolve into a equal to a desktop chat program. Some users will still prefer using chat programs as they offer multi networks and facebook may be on there!

The comic of the post, cant forget it! Special tech style comic:

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St patricks day!

Well I hope you all had a great saint Patricks day. I had no school today which was so nice and made some crepes for lunch. I decided to try to make a desert crepe and this is how it turned out:

Its pretty easy to make, basically:
you make a crepe, make it nice and big
Buy big unorganic strawberries and chop em up into 8 pieces each.
Make or buy some whipped cream (heavy whipping cream + sugar + mixing).
Then put the ice cream on the crepe, put the whipped cream on top and add the strawberries.

Tips and ideas that i will try for next time:
Cut the strawberries a couple hours before eating, put them in a bowl and put some sugar on it, it will make them all sweet and nice.
Use some chocolate sauce! Buy it or make it. I am pretty bad at making it myself so no how to-s here.
Try other fruit, bananas sound nice!
This doesn't require a crepe, so feel free to put it in a plate!

Il add some easy to make yet delicious recipes in some upcoming posts.
And for the comic of the post:

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Back from skiing!

Well i had a great one day snowboard trip up at Tahoe. I was so excited and happy to be on the slopes that my first run led to me face planting with a considerable amount of speed. My friend slammed into a 300 pound Swedish dude but it was still awesome.
Also im happy because i can now 360 (on the ground) smoothly. I still can't jump though, but hey! It was great.
I also took my girlfriend up snowboarding for the first time. I had a blast teaching her but then she had to go take a lesson and I never saw her progress...
She had a fantastic time, the whole bus ride back she was talking to me about how great it was! That made me hella happy cause its a sport we both love and she will soon become better!!
I also finally got some sleep!! I was so tired because i had only slept 4 hours the night before snowboarding that at 10:30, i basically passed out on my bed and slept for 12 hours. Yet i'm still sleepy now!!
Well here is the comic of the post:

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Futur of technology

Well a question that regularly comes to my mind is how technology will evolve. How will people improve products?
Computers will get faster, as well as phones.
Programs will become more performant and more complexe.
Everything will become smaller and with less wires.
But what kind of big changes will arrive?
I just looked at a company who basically made a gadget that will recognize and speak what you say even if you dont say it, so your thought can be converted into speech.
Im thinking more and more things are going to be controlable via movements, speech or even, thoughts. Thats in the gadget section, but some advances will probably cause many ethnic problems.
For example, human / organ cloning.
Doctors want to eventually be able to clone organs or a human to be able to transfer the sane and new organs to a person with dying ones. When this is possible, will people be able to live forever if every part of them is replaceable?
this is going to be one weird future.

And now for a bit of relief:

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Hell week 2

Well the teachers seem to have made it another hell week. We are getting surpise tests one after an other, nonstop!! This is probably due to the fact that every teacher tells us we are the laziest class they have ever had, which in honesty, we probably are...
Its quite annoying, but hey, thats school.

This directly relates to a quote that is bad for you:
"hard work pays off in the long run, laziness pays off now."
I have also been following a comic and decided to post a strip every now and then, for daily laughing purposes (works great for the moral!)

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

still sleepy but happy

Well today was a good day, or so it seems.
Its wierd because none of my classes were particularly fun or interesting, but today just seemed fun.
The littlest things make me happy.
Well today i found a sweet program called Evernote, it basically allows me to makes notes from pictures or text from everywhere (any computer, my phone) and to retrieve them from the same place. It is in private beta so you must ask for an invitation or wait a while.
Well the concert came to my head and ive been listening to linkin park non stop, and now I have a live version of the songs, brings back memories!!
Well I hope everyone is having a nice week!

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Well I need to catch up on some sleep as i only got about 4 and a half hours last night. My stomach is feeling squeamish but I still need to do homework. The worst thing is that sleep has already made me vomit (sorry if im going to spoil your apetite).
Well I was about 10 or so, and on the plane my dad didn't want me to go to sleep until I ate. I was dead tired but I just stayed awake until my pasta came. I started eating it (mmmmm??) and then i suddenly vomit into my pasta. A flight attendant sees it and we get the tray taken away (still feel sorry for her). Well I did fall asleep instantly after which is close to impossible for me in the plane!
Back to the reason why i got so little sleep. Well i went to a concert (Linkin Park, Chiodos and Coheed and Cambria) which was amazing!! And it lasted until midnight then it took 2 hours to head home. Its crazy how many groupies there were at that concert, too much high pitched screams!!

Well here is a picture from the concert:

By the way this was in a basketball arena, with alot of people, great concert!

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

What a day

Well its just about hell week today.
Everyone decided to have problems, im being overloaded with work and i still manage to procrastinate.
Sleep is coming onto me but red bull is one hell of a drink!!
Its unhealthy but it sure wakes me up and keeps me awake for class!
The only problem is once you get the crash, then your screwed!!
But with a good amount of food at the right time you should do fine! Sushi is delicious, its actually my favorite food on earth!
What do you guys like to eat? Sushi is the best ey :P ?

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dazed and Confused

Aside from being in the lyrics of a song i like, there seems to be alot of hate around me these last days.
Some of my good friends got into a fight, one guy got dumped a while back and theres the problem now hes creating a girl problem. Drama drama drama! (hate it)
Well anyways a little concert is coming up, and im going with 3 other people who ironically are the people who are currently having problems, and now im stuck in the middle.
Akward 1 hour and a half ride much?
But hey! I know and like all of them quite alot, there is another problem!

Well now im getting pulled into the drama, girl problems.
I have had a girlfriend for over a year, and well she sometimes makes up stuff and twists things to make them as horrible as possible and she ends up concluding that i hate her etc...
And now im wondering if i should dump her?
Advice always appreciated!!
Thanks for the long read ;P

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Hey and welcome to Coke and Menthos.
Your probably wondering just about as much as I am now about the blog name.
So i'm Quentin, and love surfing, juggling, playing guitar, computers, my iphone, my girlfriend and animals (mostly cats, even though i have none)

So to start off this blog i wanted to share a little story:
I was on the way to school in the yellow bus when it starts to overheat. We pull up on the side of the road and then comes not 1, but 8 cop cars and a firetruck (2 lanes blocked).
We made it on local news and missed an hour of class, fun!!!
Its crazy how many cops come for such a small incident, but hey, its good they have nothing better to do (in a way).
Do you guys have a massive amount of cops for a small amount of trouble??

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